✨You see that focus?

We help you create a better bond between you and your canine best friend.

Good Dogs, Good Vibes

Train With Us


Good Dogs, Good Vibes ✨ Train With Us 🐾

Meet Lane, Owner and Head Trainer at Kala's K9s

Lane and her German Shepard Kala, are the inspiration behind the brand and work that we do.



Every dog is different so dog training should not be one-size-fits-all [dogs].

Kala’s K9s will personalize training to meet your dog’s needs.

Basic obedience, off-leash training, and Lane’s personal favorite - fearful/anxious behavior modification; we create a program that addresses the things you and your dog need to have a happy home.

Reactivity? No Problem. Want to train your dog into an ecollar? Let us know.

We will help you reach your goals because have something for every pup. 

"Make All Dogs Good Dogs”

My little brother told me that and it stuck. All dogs really are good dogs, sometimes they just need
a little bit more help to get there.




IMPERFECTS SALE. Good Dogs, Good Vibes Hoodie - Grey
from $28.00
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Need a Good Dog?

(And some good vibes)


Hi I'm Lane, owner and head dog trainer at Kala's K9s, so who the heck is Kala? Kala is my first dog I ever personally owned and boy was she trouble. We all have to start somewhere, right? From birth dogs have been my life. Until Kala came into my life I did not realize how little I knew about dogs.

She challenged me and my skill set with dogs like no other. She was a reactive, intelligent and very sassy shepherd. I did not know how to handle her, I thought I trained her from the day I got her, but I really had no idea what I was doing aside from a few YouTube videos. We had so much reactivity and fear to work through to make her life better. From then I vowed to be the best owner, balanced dog trainer and friend I could possibly be to her. To educate myself in order to understand her, to give her the best, most confident life possible and that's what I want to help you do too. From basic obedience to loose leash walking, all the way to off leash e-collar training I'm here to help you build a better bond with you can your dog just like I did with mine.